A Russian Athlete Discovers How To Experience True Victory

Growing up in Russia, Alexander always excelled in sports. By the age of 18, he was an international kickboxing champion. His future looked bright, both professionally and personally.

However, life changed for the young man as he began to spend time with friends who were involved with drugs and in other criminal activities. As his life began to spiral out of control, he gave up his promising kickboxing career.

One day Alexander was approached by a man who was carrying a little book. It was a New Testament from The Gideons International. The man offered the book to Alexander, saying it could help him, however, Alexander refused to accept it. The man continued to encourage him to read it, and finally Alexander agreed to take the New Testament.

Alexander stuck the book in his car and simply forgot about it. About a year later, he reached such a low point in life that he didn’t see any hope. Then he remembered that New Testament. He opened the trunk of his car and there it was. So he began to read a chapter a day.

He came to Matthew 7:12 and read, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…” The verse pricked his heart. The last thing he would want someone to do to him would be to deceive, beat and rob him. Yet that was the kind of activity Alexander himself had been involved with. The verse convicted Alexander of his need for a Savior. He then dropped to his knees and cried out for the Lord to take control of his life.

Soon after that experience, a friend of Alexanders shared how his own life had been changed by Christ and that he no longer used drugs. He invited Alexander to his church. Through the discipleship of others at the church, Alexander began to rely on his faith in Jesus to free him of his sinful state, including his addiction to drugs.

Today, Alexander is married and has three children. He is very active in ministry, and through his witness, many of his old friends have now placed their faith in Jesus as well.

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